Sentinel™ Vertical In-Line Fire Pumps
Product Description
The compact, self-contained design of Sentinel™ Vertical In-Line Fire Pumps makes them easily adaptable to new or existing applications. They are a great alternative to Sentinel HSC Fire Pumps when lower flow ranges are needed, minimizing energy consumption while lengthening service life.
With the inlet and outlet on a common center line, these pumps are easy to install with simple mounting requirements—only standard piping supports on either side of the pump. This eliminates the need for costly foundations or pads. Pressure ratings from 40 to 150 psi (3 to 10 bar) deliver flow ranges of 50 to 1,250 gpm (189 to 4,731 litres/min). Every pump has standard packing and a two-piece gland for durability.
Product Specification
Product Catalog