Sentinel™ Horizontal Split Case Fire Pumps
Product Description
Sentinel™ HSC Pumps are engineered for reliable operation upon demand. All fabricated parts are standardized and accurately machined for true alignment, increasing overall durability.
Precision balancing of all rotating components provides mechanical dependability, reliable operation and minimal maintenance. Impellers are constructed with double inlets that practically eliminate end thrust while boosting operating efficiency.
These high-efficiency units operate with pressures in excess of 390 psi (27 bar), produce heads to 750 ft (229 m) and flows from 150 to 5,000 gpm (568 to 18,925 litres/min). They are available with electric, diesel, or dual drive power and vertical or horizontal orientation. Their simple, split case design allows for in-line service without disturbing piping.
Product Specification
Product Catalog