EnviroFlo™ Vertical In-Line HVAC Pumps
Product Description
EnviroFlo™ Vertical In-Line HVAC Pumps Patterson EnviroFlo™ VIL Series pumps offer a legacy of quality and durability, with full flexibility to serve all applications and overcome constraints. The high-efficiency design minimizes energy consumption and lengthens service life, offering a quality, sustainable solution to HVAC fluid flow.
The VIL Series is designed with annular-pressure-reducing clearance and impeller balance holes to reduce axial thrust. Other long-life features include bronze fitted construction with bronze shaft sleeves standard and an optional stainless steel shaft (a stainless steel sleeve is also available). Gauge taps at the suction and discharge connections allow for easy operational status monitoring.
EnviroFlo VIL pumps are designed for easy maintainability. The back pullout configuration simplifies access and maintenance. Motor bearings are greaseable. A split coupling design is available in 5 hp or larger, with a double suction impeller on the largest sizes (12 in. and 14 in.). Flows to 10,000 gpm with heads to 400 ft tdh are offered. Case working pressure is 175 psi with 250 psi available on select models. Optional 250-lb discharge flanges and seal flush lines are available on many models. And every pump is hydrostatically pressure-tested before shipment.
Product Specification
Product Catalog